Another awesome year at BEA! Well mostly awesome. I knew that Thursday and Friday were going to go as planned. I had my schedule ready and knew what lines I wanted to get in first. I got to meet A.S. King on Thursday and I was so nervous that I forgot to take a picture with her. Can you believe that!? But I did take a picture of my precious! I also told her that I loved her. I really didn't mean to sound creepy! But I just couldn't help but fangirl!!
I just finished Glory O'Brien's History of the Future by A.S. King and it was the most amazing book ever. I can't wait to share my review!
Also look at this!!!!!!!!!!
On Friday I was on a mission! I had to get Heir of Fire. I knew that the line was going to be crazy long but I was getting that book. This was by far the most awesome/irritating line that I have ever been in. Awesome because I got to meet Joy from Joyous Reads and other awesome bloggers and irritating because people were cutting in line. It was so frustrating!!! If you ever go to BEA never ever cut in line. It's rude, mean and disrespectful. Anyway, I got to meet Sarah J. Maas and she is so freaking pretty and soooo nice!! I'm glad I stayed in line. It was so worth it.
I also got to meet Alethea Kontis!
She's the author of these pretties:
I got lucky with this series. Alethea was signing Enchanted on Thursday and told us if we went to the Houghton Mifflin booth they would give us the third book in the series, Dearest. Then she was signing the second book in the series on Saturday and of course I got in line. I'm super excited to read these!
Another awesome thing that happened on Friday was that I got Mortal Heart by Robin LaFevers! I'm a huge fan of the series and was so happy that I took a copy home!
I didn't take any pictures on Saturday. I just didn't have the energy and it was kind of a mess. Saturday was BEA/Bookcon. I don't know who came up with the idea of putting 10,000 people (I don't know if this number is accurate) in half of the Javits. It was really hard to walk imagine how hard it was to be in line for a signing. It got very hot and hard to breathe real quick. I hope they don't do this next year.
Overall I enjoyed the event. This was my fourth year going and I haven't gotten used to the awesomeness of BEA. It's an exhausting and exhilarating
experience. You have to definitely work your butt off for the books you want. But at the end it feels great to be holding that book that you have been waiting for and wanting for so long.
And here is my BEA haul. I'm just going to post the ones I'm excited for because the rest I either donated to my library or gave away.
Plus I got to take home this amazing Throne of Glass tote bag!!!
And now for the giveaway!!!!! I'll be giving away the books in the picture below plus the "totes books" tote bag!To enter just fill out the rafflecopter form below. The giveaway is INT'l and will end on July 4th. Good luck!!
Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley (signed)