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Bertie is about to go on his first flight from the hive and collect the pollen for making honey, like he has watched all his friends do! But he is so keen to impress the Queen on his first day that he gets into a spot of bother! This mistake helps Bertie learn the importance of working as a team and not trying to do it all by yourself! Bertie the Bee is one part of the lovely series, The Diaries of Robin's Toys! Robin and his Grandad buy a new toy from the car boot sale every weekend, and with the help of Grandad's magic spell, they bring them to life! Each toy has a fascinating new story to tell Robin, and helps to teach him some very important life lessons!
Hey guys! For today's review I'm doing something different and fun! Today my 7 year old daughter will be reviewing her first book! Well it's not a normal review but me asking her some questions about the book. In my opinion I think the books in this series are totally adorable! She read this one in one go and that right there is proof that she loved it. Right after we finished this interview she went and grab the next book in the series and almost finished it. She had to put it aside because it was bedtime :)
Here's her review. I hope you enjoy.
Note: I didn't change any of her responses. When she gets on a topic that she feels passionate about she won't stop talking. And she's very honest!
Did you understand what the book was about?

Yeah. It was about a boy, and on a Sunday he went to a toy sale thing. He looked for a toy but couldn't find one that he liked. So he asked the man if he had a toy and he did. And it was Bertie the bee. And then he brought it home and his grandfather has a magic spell to make the bee come to life and tell stories. And then the bee told his story. It was about him and his family and how they collected honey.
What was your favorite part of the book?
When the Bee told his story. It was great because he told the boy how he used to collect honey and bring it to the queen. My favorite part of the story is that he was going to collect honey and he went all over to find a special flower that had a lot of honey and then one day he fell in the pond and he was lost and then one of his friends came along who was looking for the same flower and then she saw him and told him: "we were looking all over for you" and then the girl bee brought him to the queen and they were so joyful to see him again.
What did you learn from that story?
Never leave your family, you can get lost but if you get lost it will be a special moment when you are found.
What was your least favorite part of the book?
When he went to the toy sell because there were lots of old stuff like old records. (I bet she'll think they are cool when she grows up.)
Would you read the rest of the series?
Yes! Because it seems like everyone of them has a story to tell. Robin always finds a toy and his grandfather always has a magic spell that brings them to life and tell their stories! And that's exciting!
What do you think about the illustrations?
I like the details (she's showing me the details in the boy's face and the bee).
Is there any words in the book that you liked?
Yes! The word mum. I like it because it's different and it sounds cool! (Now she's running around the house screaming "mum")
How long have you been blogging?
I have been blogging for about 6 months months now, i previously was on a wix website platform but found that blogger was a better option for me. Blogging has slowly turned into one of my biggest passions and i literally couldnt imagaine life without it now.
What language, besides English, would you like to learn?
I would learn italian. Mainly because my brothers side of the family is italian and it would be really interesting to me to learn all about their culture.
What’s the last book that made you cry?
The last book that i cried at was City of Fallen angels by Cassandra Clare. Sometimes , i just have too much feeling while reading her books, and the moments usually happen on public transport, Typical!
Who’s you favorite princess?
I have two answers for this question. My favorite Film Princess is Ariel from the little mermaid, and my favorite book princess is Princess Marie from The ring and the crown by Melissa De La Cruz. This is because she isnt the typical princess you read about, shes strong and knows what she wants, i admired her because of that.
If you could marry a character, who would it be and why?
Wow, this one is difficult. I think i would marry Simon from the mortal instruments. In the first book, he was kind of geeky (which i love) But then as the books have progressed hes sort of turned into a sexy vampire geek which is very appealing to me. He almost a better Edward Cullen.
Bad book habit?
Im really bad with paperbacks. Every paperback book that i own is literally destroyed because i bend the pages back when i read them. So when i finish a book and i loved it, i have to go out and buy it in hardcover because then i know if i want to re-read it i will have paperback copy which is already destroyed and a nice hardback copy which is prestine on my shelf!
Have you ever bought a book just for its title?
I have. I bought the madmans daughter by Megan Shepherd. It sounded beautiful to me! so i bought it without knowing anything about it. Why Not haha
What’s your favorite sound?
My favorite sound is the sound of rain. I love it especially when im trying to sleep and its pitter pattering on my roof. It so relaxing.
Do you ever read the ending of a book before finishing it?
NEVER! i remember one i read a dust jacket of a book that i didnt realise was the second in series and i completely spoiled the ending of the first book. I cried, ALOT. I just dont think i could take the emotional strain from reading the ending.
How far into a book can you tell if you are going to like it or not?
I have a 100 page rule. Usually if the book doesnt interest me in the first 100 pages, i know im not going to enjoy it. However i do not like not finishing a book if i start it, mainly beacause i feel like i havent given it a good chance. But most of the time the books i pick do interest me so its all good.
Thanks Aimm for taking the time to answer the questions! It was awesome having you on the blog today!
With Juri in control and everything in absolute chaos, Lela plunges into the depths of hell to free Malachi from creatures that have waited decades to exact their revenge. But the Judge has her own way of doing things, and Lela must work with Ana, the new Captain, who has a very personal mission of her own. Together, they infiltrate the most horrifying realm either has yet encountered in the Shadowlands—the bitter landscape ruled by the Mazikin.
The stakes could not be higher, and Lela must accept the help—and love—of people she barely knows or trusts. As alliances and loyalties shift and she realizes the soul she came to save isn’t the only one in need of rescue, can Lela summon the strength to see the fight through to the very end?

It’s over. This series is over. I’m happy and sad. I don’t remember how long it has been since I finished a series. Nowadays series are 100 books long so I haven’t had to worry about saying goodbye to some of my favorite series. It’s always sad to part with characters that you feel are real and that you have loved for years. In the other hand I feel this feeling of accomplishment. I finished a series! Not any series, but a series that I absolutely adore.
To tell you the true I think this book was my favorite in the series. I love the dark feel of the Mazikin city. There was not a dull moment in this book and I loved that. I also enjoyed the way the problems were solved. The conflicts and missions Lela had to solve didn’t pile up until the end like it usually does in books. I feel like that helped the book’s pace. I wasn’t worried about situation A while situation F was happening because it was already over and done with.
We get a lot of romance in Chaos but it doesn’t overpower the plot. But I truly enjoyed the little kisses here and there because Lela and Malchi deserve that, and much more. I don’t want to forget to mention the awesome new characters that get introduce in this instalment!! Oh, and the bad, evil ones too! I actually didn’t trust anyone that I didn’t know, until the end. There was too much at stake to get comfortable and Lela wasn’t trustful of anyone either, which I approved of!
If you haven’t read this series you definitely need to. It’s such an easy, awesome and action full series that I feel that anybody would enjoy it.
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