Today sitting on the Virtual Chair is Aimm from Books and Crannies! Make sure to follow her blog and follow her on bloglovin!
How long have you been blogging?
I have been blogging for about 6 months months now, i previously was on a wix website platform but found that blogger was a better option for me. Blogging has slowly turned into one of my biggest passions and i literally couldnt imagaine life without it now.
What language, besides English, would you like to learn?
I would learn italian. Mainly because my brothers side of the family is italian and it would be really interesting to me to learn all about their culture.
What’s the last book that made you cry?
The last book that i cried at was City of Fallen angels by Cassandra Clare. Sometimes , i just have too much feeling while reading her books, and the moments usually happen on public transport, Typical!
Who’s you favorite princess?
I have two answers for this question. My favorite Film Princess is Ariel from the little mermaid, and my favorite book princess is Princess Marie from The ring and the crown by Melissa De La Cruz. This is because she isnt the typical princess you read about, shes strong and knows what she wants, i admired her because of that.
If you could marry a character, who would it be and why?
Wow, this one is difficult. I think i would marry Simon from the mortal instruments. In the first book, he was kind of geeky (which i love) But then as the books have progressed hes sort of turned into a sexy vampire geek which is very appealing to me. He almost a better Edward Cullen.
Bad book habit?
Im really bad with paperbacks. Every paperback book that i own is literally destroyed because i bend the pages back when i read them. So when i finish a book and i loved it, i have to go out and buy it in hardcover because then i know if i want to re-read it i will have paperback copy which is already destroyed and a nice hardback copy which is prestine on my shelf!
Have you ever bought a book just for its title?
I have. I bought the madmans daughter by Megan Shepherd. It sounded beautiful to me! so i bought it without knowing anything about it. Why Not haha
What’s your favorite sound?
My favorite sound is the sound of rain. I love it especially when im trying to sleep and its pitter pattering on my roof. It so relaxing.
Do you ever read the ending of a book before finishing it?
NEVER! i remember one i read a dust jacket of a book that i didnt realise was the second in series and i completely spoiled the ending of the first book. I cried, ALOT. I just dont think i could take the emotional strain from reading the ending.
How far into a book can you tell if you are going to like it or not?
I have a 100 page rule. Usually if the book doesnt interest me in the first 100 pages, i know im not going to enjoy it. However i do not like not finishing a book if i start it, mainly beacause i feel like i havent given it a good chance. But most of the time the books i pick do interest me so its all good.
Thanks Aimm for taking the time to answer the questions! It was awesome having you on the blog today!
I love meeting new bloggers, thanks for doing this!
ReplyDeleteHi Aimm. Nice to meet you. :) I'm a huge fan of Cassie Clare's novels as well, and I'm amazed that you don't go for the typical heartthrob.
ReplyDeleteSee you around!
Hi! nice to meet you too. Cassie Clare's writing is SO good. Just finished falling kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes and am on a serious fantasy kick.
ReplyDeleteit was awesome!!!
Thanks, that was a really cool read! berjer koltuk