Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pic2Book Wednesday Challenge #70

Guess the Book Title

This is a daily challenge where you guess the book title just by looking at the pictures. This game is inspired by the game Scene it? and it's one of my favorite challenges in it! If you want to participate and don't want any spoilers don't read the comments. I'll post the answer of this challenge in tomorrow's post.

What's this book's title?

Last Week's Challenge answer: 

City of a Thousand Dolls by Miriam Forster

City of a Thousand Dolls

Thanks to:  

For participating in last week's challenge!!! 


  1. A wrinkle in time?

  2. Oh ok A Wrinkle in Time works better than Paper Clocks which was my guess. lol. no cookies for me this week.

  3. I did the same thing, paper clocks...oh wait why is the paper crumbled, crumbled paper clocks, huh, oh wrinkled paper clocks...no wwait, wrinkle in time...took me a few minutes to get there. LMAO I loved that book as a kid!!!

  4. Took me a minute but I actually got A Wrinkle in Time. I must be smarter than I feel this morning.

  5. A little late but I got it A Wrinkle in Time. Very cute!


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