Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pic2Book Daily Challenge #12

Guess the Book Title

This is a daily challenge where you guess the book title just by looking at the pictures. This game is inspired by the game Scene it? and it's one of my favorite challenges in it! If you want to participate and don't want any spoilers don't read the comments. I'll post the answer of this challenge in tomorrow's post

What's this book's title?

Yesterday's challenge answer:



  1. Howl's Moving Castle! Just watched the anime film.

  2. Howl's Moving Castle! I've never read the book, but the movie was awesome!

    1. The book was pretty amazing! You should give it a try!

  3. The book was awesome! xD
    And Hayao Miyazaki made the movie epic too :P

    (if you're wondering why you're getting random comments from me, it's because I'm going through old Pic2Book Challenges in order to sharpen up for tomorrows :P )


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