Monday, August 20, 2012

Pic2Book Update and Giveaway Winner

Hey guys! 

First of all I want to say thank you for participating in the giveaway! I love that you love the Pic2Book challenges so much!! But as much as I love making them, they take a big chunk out of my reading and reviewing time. That's why I've decided to only post the challenge once a week. Instead of Pic2Book Daily Challenge it will be call Pic2Book Wednesday Challenge. I hope you guys keep participating and enjoying them. 

And now I want to announce the Pic2Book giveaway winner!! 


Please stay tuned for more giveaways!! I'm planning a BIG giveaway when I get to 100 Pic2Books! Once again THANK YOU for being awesome!!! 


  1. I love that you do them but totally understand how if could be time consumming and really appreciate that you are sticking with them for one a week. It's probably better for all involved and I just wanted you to know that you are appreciated. Congrats to caitlin8251


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